Is Your Child Too Sick To Come to School
Deciding whether or not their child is too sick to attend school is often a difficult decision for parents. With the flu and cold season upon us, parents need to be prepared.
If your child has a fever of over 38 degrees Celsius, they should stay home
If your child has a rash, is vomiting, lethargic, has a stiff neck, a doctor should see them immediately.
If your child’s fever lasts more than 48-72 hours, they should see a doctor
If your child has vomited throughout the night or within 12 hours of the start of the school day, they should stay home
Parents should trust their intuition. Parents should look for changes in appetite, behavior and activity, not just fever, to indicate their child is ill
A doctor should see a child who is having breathing difficulties, breathing either too quickly or laboriously, immediately
If a child is vomiting or has diarrhea and seems to be dehydrating, they should be seen by a doctor immediately
Parents should keep their child from school if the child appears tired, lethargic or looks unwell. Their bodies may be exhausted and is trying to fight something—let them get some rest.
Children with bacterial pinkeye and impetigo must remain away from school until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has started.
Sleep, nutrition and hygienic measures are very important—thorough hand washing is stressed.
If your child needs to have prescription medication during the school day we will need to have a form completed by the family doctor. Forms are available at the school office. If the medication is in prescription form, it needs to be brought to school in the prescription bottle with the dosage and time of required administration on the bottle. Any child who may need Tylenol/Advil during the day will require that a form be completed by the parent and will need to provide their own Tylenol/Advil.